Sacramental Preparation Courses
Sacramental preparation courses are offered for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Students can begin sacramental preparation courses when it is determined they are properly prepared to start the immediate preparation classes. The Light of Christ requires students to attend Faith Formation courses or attend a Catholic School every year, beginning in kindergarten, so they can be properly prepared for the sacraments. If a student does not meet this requirement, the parents and child will need to work with the director of faith formation to create an individualized plan for success that will allow the child to quickly get caught up so they can eventually participate in the sacraments with their grade level classmates.
¨ Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion: The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that students can start immediate preparation for these sacraments once they have reached the "age of reason". Generally speaking a child who has been properly prepared reaches the "age of reason" at about age seven or in second grade. For this reason these sacraments are first offered to students entering second grade. Generally the Sacrament of First Reconciliation is celebrated in December and the Sacrament of First Holy Communion is celebrated after Easter.
¨ The Sacrament of Confirmation: Confirmation is the third of three Sacraments of Initiation. It is when the individual answers the call from God to say they want to continue to grow in their faith as a member of Christ’s Church. Confirmation is NOT a graduation from church or the last responsibility before no longer attending faith formation opportunities. Instead confirmation prepares students to become more active in their faith. It is when they say they want to be part of a faith community and are willing to listen to God's call and direction in their lives by living out their faith in Him.
Confirmation generally begins at the start of the students Junior year, with Confirmation in the spring.
¨ Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion: The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that students can start immediate preparation for these sacraments once they have reached the "age of reason". Generally speaking a child who has been properly prepared reaches the "age of reason" at about age seven or in second grade. For this reason these sacraments are first offered to students entering second grade. Generally the Sacrament of First Reconciliation is celebrated in December and the Sacrament of First Holy Communion is celebrated after Easter.
¨ The Sacrament of Confirmation: Confirmation is the third of three Sacraments of Initiation. It is when the individual answers the call from God to say they want to continue to grow in their faith as a member of Christ’s Church. Confirmation is NOT a graduation from church or the last responsibility before no longer attending faith formation opportunities. Instead confirmation prepares students to become more active in their faith. It is when they say they want to be part of a faith community and are willing to listen to God's call and direction in their lives by living out their faith in Him.
Confirmation generally begins at the start of the students Junior year, with Confirmation in the spring.
Christ Our Hope Cluster Office: 110 Commercial Ave, PO Box 205, Protivin, IA 52163, 563-569-8259