"Your sins are forgiven, go in peace.”
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation Christ pours out His Divine Mercy to free His people from their sins. Reconciliation meets the human need to bring things into the light, and the Divine desire to show mercy and forgive.
Many saints suggest taking part in this sacrament monthly, as it not only heals, but also strengthens the recipient. Certainly, as soon as possible after committing a mortal sin, so as to be opened more deeply again to God’s love and to begin the journey of the Christian life again.
Far from being something to fear, Confession is a gift to be embraced so that God may heal us and help us know and live His love more fully.
At Christ Our Hope, Reconciliation is always available by appointment with Fr. Radloff, and is offered each week before the 4:00 pm Saturday afternoon Mass and the 8:30 am Sunday morning Mass.
For more information about Reconciliation and spiritual growth, we recommend visiting's confession page. Examinations of Conscience are also available at the entrance of each of the church buildings or by request through contact with the parish office.
Many saints suggest taking part in this sacrament monthly, as it not only heals, but also strengthens the recipient. Certainly, as soon as possible after committing a mortal sin, so as to be opened more deeply again to God’s love and to begin the journey of the Christian life again.
Far from being something to fear, Confession is a gift to be embraced so that God may heal us and help us know and live His love more fully.
At Christ Our Hope, Reconciliation is always available by appointment with Fr. Radloff, and is offered each week before the 4:00 pm Saturday afternoon Mass and the 8:30 am Sunday morning Mass.
For more information about Reconciliation and spiritual growth, we recommend visiting's confession page. Examinations of Conscience are also available at the entrance of each of the church buildings or by request through contact with the parish office.
How to go to ConfessionKneel down or sit down when going face to face, make the Sign of the Cross, and say:
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned, my last Confession was ___________ ago. Tell the priest your sins since your last confession. When you are finished say: For these and all the sins of my past life I ask forgiveness. The priest will speak to you, give you a penance and may ask you to make an “Act of Contrition” if you haven’t already. Finally, when the priest says “I absolve you…”, make the Sign of the Cross. Examination of Conscience 1. Have I loved God above all things? 2. Has my language been worthy? 3. Have I attended Mass on Sundays and Holy Days? 4. Have I respected and listened to my parents and those in authority, and others? 5. Have I harmed others by my actions or words? 6. Have I kept myself clean and pure? 7. Have I stolen or cheated? 8. Have I lied, gossiped, or spoken uncharitably about others? 9. Have I wished others harm or evil? 10. Have I been jealous of the things others have? |
An Act of Contrition O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend You, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen |
Christ Our Hope Cluster Office: 110 Commercial Ave, PO Box 205, Protivin, IA 52163, 563-569-8259