We were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:4
Baptism is where our Christian life begins, where we become adopted sons and daughters of God Himself, and members of Christ’s Church. Far more than simply washing away sin, baptism is going to the cross with Jesus and allowing His death to become our death and His new life to live in us. It is the beginning of the life of faith, and the beginning of eternal life for all of us who follow Jesus.
At Christ our Hope we have monthly classes for baptismal preparation for parents of young children or infants to be baptized. If you are expecting, please schedule an appointment with Fr. Radloff during your pregnancy to sign up for a session and learn more about the process. You can schedule an appointment by contacting the office to set up a time or by emailing Fr. Radloff at [email protected].
If you are an adult seeking more information about baptism and entry into a life of discipleship, please contact Fr. Radloff to begin the process of going deeper with the Lord.
Baptism is where our Christian life begins, where we become adopted sons and daughters of God Himself, and members of Christ’s Church. Far more than simply washing away sin, baptism is going to the cross with Jesus and allowing His death to become our death and His new life to live in us. It is the beginning of the life of faith, and the beginning of eternal life for all of us who follow Jesus.
At Christ our Hope we have monthly classes for baptismal preparation for parents of young children or infants to be baptized. If you are expecting, please schedule an appointment with Fr. Radloff during your pregnancy to sign up for a session and learn more about the process. You can schedule an appointment by contacting the office to set up a time or by emailing Fr. Radloff at [email protected].
If you are an adult seeking more information about baptism and entry into a life of discipleship, please contact Fr. Radloff to begin the process of going deeper with the Lord.
Christ Our Hope office (563) 569-8259 Tues - Friday, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm