The Year of St. Joseph - December 8, 2020 - December 8, 2021
Welcome to our monthly connection with our Church family!
You are invited to experience Morsels of Faith, and be encouraged to strengthen your prayer life and relationship with God. There will be Scripture Studies, short videos, podcasts, faith filled contents and munch more!
*Most images when clicked on, will link you to more info., including Christ our Hope image which has the website/bulletin.
'With a Father's Heart: That is how Joseph loved Jesus'
Morsels for Men
*Click on Heroic Men to view Trailer
Morsel for the Tweens
Sr. Miriam James Heidland - God can restore your broken life and relationship
(Headliner for NCYC '21)
We are truly a divine masterpiece - c.s. lewis |
NCYC has 22 Participants!!
Thank you to all who have supported us so far.
Mass is offered for all our donors once a month. We still need to raise funds!!
If you haven't donated, there are envelopes available at each Parish.
Morsel for Munchkins
Transfiguration of Jesus: Matthew 17 - Sharefaith Kids |
Summer ideas for the Catholic Family!
Click on images for more info!
Morsels of Faith - For Young Mom's
Just for young Mom's - All things Mary!
This presentation will be by a young mom herself -Kristina Mansheim
You will not want to miss out! So plan on lining up a sitter for the morning.
St. Lucas Church Basement
Watch for more details next newsletter or bulletin
Any questions ask Teri @ [email protected]
Q & A - Why should we read the Bible? -UTGDETROIT |
After Mass Videos - See a Parish Near You!!!
Similar content will be posted on Facebook - Please "like" and "share."
Thank you! God Bless us, every one!
Questions or Suggestions - Or if you would like to receive this newsletter emailed to you monthly
Contact: Teri Rosendahl, Director of Evangelization
[email protected]
Thank you! God Bless us, every one!
Questions or Suggestions - Or if you would like to receive this newsletter emailed to you monthly
Contact: Teri Rosendahl, Director of Evangelization
[email protected]